
Lchang Nang Retreat, Nubra

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Lchang Nang Retreat, Nubra


Lchang Nang Retreat, Nubra

Bordered by the Karakoram Range, Nubra Valley is one of Ladakh’s most beautiful places. In Teggar village a local family has constructed a lovely low-impact resort on their grazing lands. The Lchang Nang Retreat is a boutique, responsible and opulent hotel. Combining comfort and simplicity, it pays homage to its local heritage via its links to the local community and the local culture. This hidden gem is a tranquil piece of heaven set amidst an orchard filled with elm, apricot, and apple trees, alongside the Siachen River.

17 individual cottages, created in the local architectural style using mud, stone, and poplar, are accessed through a footpath. Each cottage connects to a private garden and sit-out. The kiss of Ladakhi culture can be seen throughout the architecture, techniques for maintaining the grounds, as well as cuisine.

Distance from other cities

City Distance (In Km.) Time (In Hrs.) Mode
Leh 126 6 Car
Diskit 35 1 Car
Hunder 45 1 Car

Sustainable & Responsible Tourism
Practices and Initiatives

No Single Use Plastic: Biodegradable toiletries and amenities are used, and reliance on single-use plastics is reduced.

Safe Garbage Disposal: Waste is segregated, wet waste is composted and used as manure in the organic garden, and other waste is recycled. Guests and staff are encouraged to pick up plastic litter.

Water Conservation: Gravity-fed traditional Ladakhi flood irrigation technique is used to channel glacial water, high in calcium and minerals, through the property.

Energy Efficiency: Lchang Nang Retreat is powered by an in-house captive solar power plant, each cottage has its own solar water heater, and solar passive technique is used in building architecture.

Nature and Biological Diversity Conservation: Replanting is done every spring to maintain the habitat.

Local Community Engagement: A gift shop and art gallery promote art and crafts from the community as well as local produce, local women are employed for housekeeping and gardening purposes, and locals are hired for building the property.

Light Footprint Tourism: Produce is sourced from the organic garden and the local village, and locally sourced sundried mud bricks, stones, and wood are used for building.

Sensitive Destination Discovery: Activities like village walks and visits to monasteries raise awareness about the local culture and architecture.

Heritage Preservation: Lchang Nang Retreat is the first traditionally built hotel in the region, and it showcases sustainable practices to locals.

Activities & Experiences

Guided Walks

Picnic & High-Tea Setup on a meadow

Sundowners at Meadows, Dunes or The Cottage Sit out

Dining Under the Elms - A five-course degustation menu featuring local produce and the various different types of Ladakhi cheese

Mountain Biking

Movie Under the Stars

Cultural Music & Dance

Mindfulness & Yoga in Monastery

Sunset Yoga on the dunes or Yoga at Holy Lake


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